Vinayak Adimule is a Chemistry professor specializing in R & D. He brings experience in both Education and Research.
About me
Hello! My name is Dr Vinayak Adimule, and I am a chemistry professor situated in Hubli, Karnataka.
Professionally, I have thirteen years of research experience at different R&D organisations of TATA (Advinus), Astra Zeneca India, Trans Chem etc. Specialized in the area of medicinal chemistry (Anticancer Drugs), Nano science and Technology, Material Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
I have published more than 60 research article in National and International. Board member for more than 20 reputed societies overall world, Attended 40 than national and international conferences.
Presently working as HOD and Assistant Professor and Dean R&D Angadi Insitute of technolgy and management Belagavi, Karnataka, India and principle investigator for Government of India and Government of Karnataka for major sponsored project.
Research Areas
- Functional Nanomaterials
- Nanocomposites
- Optical properties of NC
- Electrical properties of NC
- Ligand doping to REN
- Rare Earth MetalComplexes
- Co-Precipitation Synthesis of REM
- Characterization of REM
- Photovoltaic Characteristics
- Optical Properties of REM
- Synthesis of REM
- Medicinal properties of REM
Computer Skills
- ACD Chemdraw
- Sci Finder
- Navision Axapta
Earned Best Oral Award for Paper
A Facile Synthesis of Poly (3-octyl thiophene): Ni0.4Sr0.6TiO3 Hybrid Nanocomposites for Solar Cell Applications in Fourth International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS-2020) on 20-21 January 2020 organized by Post-Graduate Department of Physics, Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalaya, Jath- 416 404, Dist.-Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Paper presentation at Second International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT 2020 on 9th and 10th April 2020 at the Hotel Aloft, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Synthesis, characterization and impedance studies of novel nanocomposites of gadolinium titanate